Creating NL Programs

The NEXT System provides models, methods, frameworks, and exemplary implementations that facilitate a holistic, life-long engineering approach to optimize a person’s personal performance and well-being¹ by applying behavior change and performance improvement protocols to any aspect of a person’s life that yield deterministic results while providing freedom and empowerment so the person can choose to create their own direction/path.

There are two kinds of NL Programs:

  • New programs designed from scratch based on the Universal Method
  • Existing third-party programs that have been modified to benefit from the Universal Method

The NEXT System provides a content integration framework and toolkit to make virtually any existing product or program for personal performance and well-being improvement easier and more effective to use by enabling any content owner, third-party developer/innovator, or individual to easily integrate products and services with the NEXT System.

This is designed to create a near-frictionless environment for innovation and adoption, similar to the way Internet search and YouTube enable people to find solutions for other aspects of their work and personal life.

1 The World Health Organization defines well-being as a positive state experienced by individuals and societies. Similar to health, it is a resource for daily life and is determined by social, economic and environmental conditions. Well-being encompasses quality of life, as well as the ability of people and societies to contribute to the world in accordance with a sense of meaning and purpose.